What is the exam pattern of the MICAT exam?
MICAT 2020 will be a computer based test having of 2 hours 50 minutes duration. The paper will consist of 105 questions which are divided into 3 sections. The 3 sections which form part of MICAT exam pattern are mentioned below:
Section 1. Descriptive Test
Section 2 This section is divided into 4 parts which are Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, General Awareness, Divergent-Convergent Reasoning.
Section 3 Psychometric Test
MICAT Exam Pattern: Section wise
Section 1: Descriptive test
This section consists of 4 questions which test the candidate’s written ability. The section which is part of MICAT 2020 exam pattern does contain any negative marking.
Section 2
This section is divided into 4 parts which are Quantitative Ability, General Awareness, Verbal Ability, Divergent Convergent Reasoning. Each part in the section consists of 25 questions each while the reasoning part consists of 30 questions. These is a negative marking in this section of .25 marks on each wrong answer. The 4 parts of this section are described below:
Verbal Ability : This section analyze the candidate on his comprehension, vocabulary and grammatical skills.
Quantitative Ability : This section tests the candidate mathematical skills. This part consists of 25 questions.
General Awareness : Candidate’s knowledge of current affairs is tested in this part. There are 25 questions included in this part.
Divergent and Convergent Reasoning : In this part, questions based on logical and analytical reasoning are asked. A total of 30 questions are there in this part.
Section 3 Psychometric Test
This sections examine the candidates behavioural traits and his personality.
Marking Scheme
Out of the 3 section there is no negative marking in the descriptive and psychometric tests. However in Section 2 there is a negative marking of .25 marks for each wrong answer.